



Software Engineer

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About me

My name is Yannick Pfaff and I live in Hesse, Germany.

I've studied electrical engineering and information technology on a dual basis. I graduated in computer engineering in January 2023 (B.Eng.).

I am currently working as a software engineer with a great team using state-of-the-art technologies to migrate existing systems to the cloud.

In doing so, I am learning a lot about the architecture of distributed systems, so that the highest possible resilience, evolvability and scalability is ensured.

Outside of my job, I spend time with friends, do sports or enjoy teaching myself new things. One example for this was the understanding of modern web development. To apply the learned knowledge, I built this website using Typescript, Next.js and Tailwindcss as anopen-source project.

My future goal is to gain more experience in the design and development process of long-lasting software architecture in a professional environment.


My interest in programming was mainly sparked by the computer science exam course in high school.

During my studies, in addition to OOP, algorithms and data structures, I was able to learn a basic understanding of software development through programming embedded systems.

At the same time, I was able to expand my skills in dealing with Git and agile development methods as well as development in teams in a professional environment.